About Us

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Wilmington 10-13 Club

PO Box15613  Wilmington NC 28408

          The 10-13 Club of Wilmington, NC is an IRS non-profit 501 (c) (7) organization open to all retired NYPD members, retired Federal Law Enforcement and any retired Law Enforcement Officer.

10-13 is the

New York City Police Department
Radio Code Signal

 “Assist Police Officer”

The 10-13 Club of Wilmington, NC was formed with the following objectives:

  • Supporting and aiding its members and other active and retired law enforcement personnel.
  • Further the welfare and improve the benefits of all retired police officers of the NYC Police Department and other law enforcement agencies.
  • Encourage social, charitable, educational, benevolent and fraternal activities among the membership.

Meetings Held On The 3rd Monday of each month.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Wilmington 10-13 Club you can email a request to Wilmingtonten13@Gmail.com


Past Presidents of the Club

Walter Hickey

Tom O’Connor

Frank Whalen

Tom Dunican

Phil Rose

Cy Oberle

Chuck McLiverty